The Adventures of Canyon

Kristy, Chad, and Canyon

Monday, May 31, 2010

Grandma and Pappa T. come to visit!

Grandma and Pappa T. came to visit over the Memorial Day holiday. While they were here Canyon got spoiled. They bought him new toys and spent lots of quality time with him.

Hanging out with Pappa

Taking a walk with grandma and Mommy.

Canyon playing with his new fun toys Grandma and Pappa bought him.

Canyon playing with his Pappa.

Canyon read lots of books with his Grandma

We all had lots of fun spending time with Grandma and Pappa. Canyon, Grandma, Pappa, Aunt Michelle and I also went for a hike. It was a great day!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There is a lot that has happened since our last post.
Our friends Juegan and Maggie came to visit.

Canyon and I ran/walked our first 5 K together. We participated in the Race for the Cure.

There were over 18,000 people, 4,000 more then last year.

Canyon did a great job and loved being outside.

The biggest thing that happened this week was I went back to work. Canyon has spent his days with his Daddy and his good friends Lisa, Fischer, and Maddie (pictures to follow). I think that this was harder for Mommy than it was for Canyon. He has been a good boy and loves to watch Fischer (Canyon thinks Fischer is pretty cool) and hang out with Daddy. Canyon even got to go on his first field trip to the Sandy Fire Station.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

Just wanted to wish all the moms and grandmothers a Happy Mothers Day!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First camping trip and Uncle Scotts visit

While Scott was here we took a trip to the Sand Dunes. Canyon loves being outside and enjoyed his first camping trip.

Canyon hanging in the camper with his friend Kenzie.

Scott actually held Canyon more than once and changed two diapers (one was even poop).

It was fun having Scott here and we are glad he was able to come and spend some time with Canyon.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Visit with Uncle Scott

Canyons Uncle Scott is here to visit this week! Uncle Scott was able to feed Canyon a bottle today. While he is here we are planning on going to Snowbird, the Sand Dunes, and Park City. It should be FUN!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2 Month Doctors Visit

I can't believe he is already 2 months old!!

Canyon had his 2 month doctors visit today. He was a little champ! He had 3 shots and was very brave.

Canyon weights 10 lbs 12 oz and is 23 inches long. He showed the doctor how strong he is and made us very proud!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Canyon Michael Whiteside was born February 18th at 7:35 PM. He was 8 lbs 22 in inches long. Canyon has been a wonderful addition to our family. He is starting to smile, talk, and develop his own personality. Canyon enjoys being outside, going for walks/runs with Mommy, hanging out with Aunt Michelle, and skiing with Daddy.

Canyon has also had many visitors/fans visit from New York:
Grandma Sandy and Pappa Russ
Grandma Allison and Grandpa Vic
Uncle Danny and Uncle Eddie
Great Aunt Linda
Cousins Nick, Sheila, Joey, and Jayden
and a few more have plane tickets to visit in the next few months.

It has been a busy few months and he is very lucky to have so many friends and family that love him!

Grandma Sandy and Pappa Russ

Grandpa Vic

Aunt Michelle

Monday, April 19, 2010