The Adventures of Canyon

Kristy, Chad, and Canyon

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


There is a lot that has happened since our last post.
Our friends Juegan and Maggie came to visit.

Canyon and I ran/walked our first 5 K together. We participated in the Race for the Cure.

There were over 18,000 people, 4,000 more then last year.

Canyon did a great job and loved being outside.

The biggest thing that happened this week was I went back to work. Canyon has spent his days with his Daddy and his good friends Lisa, Fischer, and Maddie (pictures to follow). I think that this was harder for Mommy than it was for Canyon. He has been a good boy and loves to watch Fischer (Canyon thinks Fischer is pretty cool) and hang out with Daddy. Canyon even got to go on his first field trip to the Sandy Fire Station.


  1. Great job on the race!! Love the pics.

    Glad all has gone well with return to work and Canyon dealing well. It is hard to leave them, but as long as they are in good care, it is easier....hugs and kisses to all. Luv MOM

  2. Oh! Wish I could have done the race with you! I cant believe you are back to work already- Feels liek you are still pregnant!..
    see you around Memorial Day xoxo
