The Adventures of Canyon

Kristy, Chad, and Canyon

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Canyon Michael Whiteside was born February 18th at 7:35 PM. He was 8 lbs 22 in inches long. Canyon has been a wonderful addition to our family. He is starting to smile, talk, and develop his own personality. Canyon enjoys being outside, going for walks/runs with Mommy, hanging out with Aunt Michelle, and skiing with Daddy.

Canyon has also had many visitors/fans visit from New York:
Grandma Sandy and Pappa Russ
Grandma Allison and Grandpa Vic
Uncle Danny and Uncle Eddie
Great Aunt Linda
Cousins Nick, Sheila, Joey, and Jayden
and a few more have plane tickets to visit in the next few months.

It has been a busy few months and he is very lucky to have so many friends and family that love him!

Grandma Sandy and Pappa Russ

Grandpa Vic

Aunt Michelle

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